
Founded in Washington D.C. in 2012, &Pizza has grown to 36 locations across the U.S. The brand places a unique spin on the idea of what a pizza shop should be. Every site is designed by local artists and every pizza sold can be fully customised by diners.


A considered design and brand-led approach is integral to &pizza, with every aspect of the pizza shop unique to them, including &soda, &wine and &snacks.

Initially, music for the pizza shops had been selected by staff members, allowing for a youthful and finger-on-the-pulse soundtrack that felt personal to each location. However, as the business began to expand to a number of more suburban sites, they recognised that these staff-led selections risked alienating some of their customers.

The task was to develop a curated soundtrack that worked across all 36 locations. The music needed to reflect &pizza’s core values, resonating with the customers of each site whilst feeling welcoming and universally appealing.


Working with the Altaura music team, I designed and developed a series of signature playlists for the brand to use across their locations. Split into different energy levels, these custom playlists combined music from across the East Coast with the best new international releases.

An extensive knowledge of contemporary music allowed myself and the Altaura team to develop a sound that reflected &pizza’s disruptive brand image and customer profile, bringing together hip hop with electronica, R&B and leftfield pop.


The new signature sound allowed &pizza to add another dimension to their distinct and recognisable brand image.

Split into different energy levels throughout the day, the music further elevates the customer experience whilst dining. Providing an immersive and memorable experience for diners, the curated playlists ensure repeat trade from happy, dedicated customers.