Bespoke Sound

Bespoke Sound offers highly curated music experiences for boutique hospitality brands.


Bespoke Sound were selected as the music partner for L.E. Miami, an annual conference which brings together top lifestyle brands and luxury hoteliers.

Alongside music curation for the entire event, Bespoke Sound wanted to develop a tool that would allow attendees to interact with their product and provide an insight into how music concepts are developed.


Working with Bespoke Sound’s music team, I developed their “Playlist Generator” concept.

A series of playlists were created to represent every conceivable hotel type, from sleek and youthful to timeless grandeur. The playlists imagined the ideal soundtrack for the lobby at each of these hotel concepts, considering the kind of guests who would be staying, what energy level would fit best and how the space would need to function.

These playlists were then mapped to a series of yes or no questions that, when answered, would steer attendees toward the perfect sound for their space.


The Playlist Generator provided L.E. Miami attendees with an insight into how music can be matched to a particular space, customer profile or business objective.

Interactions with the Playlist Generator helped Bespoke Sound to open up new conversations with prospective clients at the event, whilst also giving each participant a “take away” playlist that felt unique to their business.